The University of Tennessee Medical Center – Inclusion Practices Showcase

The University of Tennessee Medical Center (UTMC), located in in Knoxville, Tennessee, has a rich history in the East Tennessee community of providing patient-centered care and remaining at the forefront of research, technology and treatments. But it doesn’t stop there, UTMC is also dedicated to promoting diversity, inclusion, and equity within the organization.

During “Celebrate Diversity Month” in April, UTMC launched the “Inclusion Practices Showcase,” a culminating event for their month activities. By participating in Celebrate Diversity Month, UTMC is living its diversity definition. UTMC is celebrating and revering the similarities and differences of our identities, backgrounds and experiences that shape our unique perspectives and preferences. UTMC is aiming to encourage people to get a deeper understanding of each other, to share their diversity stories and experiences.

Becki Fogerty, Executive Director of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, developed the “Inclusion Practices Showcase” to share practices from across the organization, hear from team members about their experiences with and thoughts on diversity, and as a way for all employees to recognize and honor the diversity surrounding them. Becki feels that “we learn best from each other and in telling stories – storytelling forges connections among people, and between people and ideas. Storytelling gives us connection, engagement, appeals to all sorts of learners, inspires, and motivates us, and helps our lessons and practical tips stick. “

The program was broadcasted live on the UTMC internal communication channel and featured nine team members from across The University of Tennessee Medical Center presenting for about seven minutes. The program was broken into three components, Team Member Inclusion Practices, Patient Inclusion Practices, and Patient & Community Inclusion Practices.

UTMC attributes its well-respected standing within the community to the exceptional team members who dedicate themselves to working there.