Making Safe, Quality Care Our Top Priority

The mission of the TCPS is to advance Tennessee hospitals’ adoption of proven strategies that enhance the reliability, safety and quality of care patients receive.

THA Safety, Quality, and Clinical Resource and Best Practice Repository
The repository serves as a centralized hub of resources for member hospitals, providing best practices and clinical guidance on topics such as Culture of Safety, Health Equity, Clinical Care, Workplace Health, Leadership, and Emergency Preparedness.
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TCPS Newsletter
The TCPS weekly newsletter provides information on upcoming calls and events from TCPS, THA and partner organizations.
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Tennessee Partnerships for Patients

The Tennessee Hospital Association’s Tennessee Center for Patient Safety (TCPS) was launched in 2007. TCPS provides extensive education, resources and direct support to hospitals to achieve better outcomes. We are proud to partner with numerous organizations across Tennessee in our quest for quality.  
THA Patient Safety Organization
The Tennessee Hospital Association PSO (THA PSO) offers member organizations a federally protected space to report, analyze, and learn from patient safety harm events and near misses. Members benefit from regular education offerings, safe table discussions, email alerts, and published resources on a variety of patient safety topics. Learn more.

Our Priority Topics

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