Health Equity

THA Council on Inclusion and Health Equity

TCPS facilitates the THA Council on Inclusion and Health Equity which promotes equity of care and the elimination of healthcare disparities. The Council advocates strategies to help members develop culturally competent leaders and staff to improve health outcomes in the communities they serve.

Chair: Tish Towns, FACHE, Executive Vice President & Chief Administrative Officer, Regional One Health
Council Members

THA Staff Contact: Patrice Mayo, Vice President for Operations, Tennessee Center for Patient Safety


THA’s is a community health needs assessment platform designed to assist community health stakeholders in the development of impactful CHNAs using two rich sources of health-related data—the Tennessee County Health Rankings provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the Tennessee ZIP Health Rankings developed by researchers at the Hospital Industry Data Institute and Washington University School of Medicine with support from RWJF. Hospitals, health systems, public health officials, researchers and community organizers can use the site to gain insights into the health and social well-being of Tennessee’s 95 counties and 600 zip codes.

The exploreTNhealth resource is available free of charge to hospitals and health systems now at:

For questions or more information, contact Patrice Mayo at

Leadership for Health Equity: What’s Next?

  • THA Virtual Presentation from Dr. David Ansell, MD, MPH, SVP of Community Health Equity at Rush University Medical Center, October 2023

How Health and Social Care Organizations Work Together 

  • (Podcast with transcript) The Commonwealth Fund, Feb 2019

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Health Equity