Data Reporting
THA/TCPS collects a variety of data from hospitals across the state, including healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), healthcare-acquired conditions (HAC), and OB data. These data are part of statewide efforts to reduce patient harm. The data collected serves as a valuable tool for hospital benchmarking and other data analysis.
Data entry should be completed each month within 30 days following the end of the reporting month. (Example: January 2021 data should be reported by February 28, 2021.)
Note: If you have conferred rights to your hospital’s healthcare-associated infections (HAI) data to THA/TCPS via NHSN, THA staff will pull those data from NHSN on the 17th of each month.
Click here for a copy of the data reporting schedule.
THA Report Distributor
THA Report Distributor is a platform for data submission and feedback reports/graphs depending on access permissions. If you need a login or to increase your permissions, have someone in leadership at your facility contact Jennifer McIntosh at 615-401-7421 to submit a request.
Click here for a copy of the guide to submitting data through report distributor.
Click here to be directed to the THA Report Distributor.
Need access to your data?
Forgot your username and/or password or need to get access to view your data? Please contact Jennifer McIntosh at 615-401-7421 or by pressing the contact button below.